Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
. .

Requested translations RSS

Tìm kiếm
Source language English, Greek, Polish
Target language English, Greek, Polish

Tìm kiếm
Source language
Target language

Results 1 - 3 of about 3
13Source language13
English Ä° live in Belgrade, Serbia; but Ä° was born in Barcelona, Catalonia
Ä° live in Belgrade, Serbia; but Ä° was born in Barcelona, Catalonia. Serbian is my favourite foreign language: Ä° speak it well and Ä° got the B1 at the University of Belgrade.
The unnamed extra language İ requested, is Belarussian (Беларуская). / Неназваная дадатковая мова, якую я прасіў, — беларуская.

B1 is a level from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, you can see more about it on Wikipedia:

Requested translations
Polish Polish
27Source language27
English Not dead ? ! ?
A backend update for cucumis !

Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters.

First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago).

Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashed.

And finally a [DELETE SPAMMER] button for admins.

Happy 2019 to all of you!

Completed translations
French Pas mort ? ! ?
Danish Ikke død ? ! ?
Swedish Inte död ? ! ?
Requested translations
Polish Polish
Source language
Polish Żyzne pustynie
W słabości
odkrywam swe prawdziwe potrzeby
hierarchię wartości

W tęsknocie
odnajduję swoją tożsamość
utraconÄ… OjczyznÄ™

W grzechu
widzę swą bezsilność
prawdziwą śmierć

W samotności
dostrzegam swój ratunek
kochającą Obecność

British English, please.

Requested translations
English English